Posted by AxiaFunder Team on 02/20/2025

Understanding Your Investment Portfolio

Your main portfolio will be split into Current InvestmentsHistoric and Cancelled.

  • Current Investments are ongoing (or partially ongoing) investments
This tab shows the number of ongoing units, cost per unit (i.e. the price paid per unit – unless purchased on the secondary market, this will be the same as the issuance price per unit), issuance price per unit (i.e. original issuance price), and net cost (i.e. the number of ongoing units multiplied by the cost per unit).

  • Historic are resolved (or partially resolved) investments.
This tab shows the number of resolved units, cost per unit (i.e. buyback unit price), proceeds (i.e. the number of resolved units multiplied by the cost per unit), and profit (i.e. proceeds minus the number of resolved units multiplied by the price paid per unit).
  • Cancelled are cancelled investments.
For portfolio offers, we generally distribute proceeds, net of our fees, in tranches. We do this by buying back a share of your units at a higher price. There will be a detailed investor update related to each completed buyback.

For example, if you have made an investment of £10,000 in a (hypothetical) Offer ID 1000 (purchasing 10 units at £1,000 each), before any buybacks take place, all 10 purchased units will be shown under the Current Investments:

Current Investments

Our investments are structured as units in a limited partnership class of the Scottish Limited Partnership (SLP). One unit generally costs £1,000. For example, an offer raising £300,000 would issue 300 units at a price of £1,000 each. 

Assuming that, 12 months later, there have been 5 10%-buybacks (i.e. 50% of units repaid in total), each generating 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% simple returns, 5 (remaining) ongoing units will be shown under the Current Investments tab:

5 resolved units will then be shown under the Historic tab (the first line is the total):

Once we complete all 10 10%-buybacks, there will be no more units showing under Current Investments tab. All 10 units will be shown under Historic tab.