Last updated on Friday, 7th March 2025.
To date, AxiaFunder raised £19,598,440 for a range of commercial and portfolio investments.
Figure 1: Cumulative capital raised via AxiaFunder platform by offer type

AxiaFunder has been funding UK Housing Disrepair (HDR) Litigation Claims since May 2022 - raising £14.18 million to date across 39 separate limited partnership Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), funding 5,188 claims.
Figure 2: Cumulative HDR Portfolio Funding by Law Firm

Law Firm 1
The first funded law firm went into administration in July 2024. This law firm was funded via 7 SPVs. Investors will recover their invested capital only.
Law Firm 2
To date, 1,391 claims were funded via 11 SPVs. The net investor returns and IRRs for the first 10 SPVs are shown in Figures 3-4 below. The dots show the investor net gains (Figure 3) and IRRs (Figure 4) by tranche and time of the tranche payment. For example, looking at SPV1 funded in April 2023, the first 10%-tranche had a net investor gain of 8.9% (IRR of 13.6%) in December 2023, 8 months after the Offer launch, followed by returns of 18.6% (IRR of 21.5%), 24.4% (IRR of 23.5%), 27.4% (IRR of 24.8%), 30.7% (IRR of 24.6%), 40.7% (IRR of 26.4%) and 46.1% (IRR of 24.3%) from the subsequent tranches paid to investors between March 2024-January 2025.
In total, 39 10%-tranches have been repaid to date, together comprising 474 resolved claims (out of 1,265 claims funded by these 10 SPVs). The average net gain and annualised IRR to investors across the settled claims is 24.3% and 22.2%, respectively.
Contractually, claims that settle after a longer period tend to generate a higher return, e.g. the 7th tranche of SPV1 has generated returns of 46.1% (IRR of 24.3%).
Figure 3: Law Firm 2 investor net return by tranche

Figure 4: Law Firm 2 investor IRR by tranche

Law Firm 3
To date, 1,666 claims were funded via 11 SPVs. The net investor returns for the first 4 SPVs are shown in Figures 5-6 below. The dots show the investor net gains (Figure 5) and IRRs (Figure 6) by tranche and time of the tranche payment. For example, looking at SPV1 funded in August 2023, the first 10%-tranche had a net investor gain of 25.0% (IRR of 27.3%) in July 2024, 11 months after the Offer launch, followed by returns of 31.8% (IRR of 29.3%), 30.2% (IRR of 23.2%), 38.1% (IRR of 25.6%) and 44.0% (IRR of 27.1%) from the subsequent tranches paid to investors between September 2024-February 2025.
In total, 11 10%-tranches have been repaid to date, together comprising 141 resolved claims (out of 535 claims funded by these 4 SPVs). The average net gain and IRR to investors across the settled claims is 26.5% and 21.5%, respectively.
Contractually, SPV1 is entitled to receive a share of the law firm’s revenue on each claim regardless of the claim resolution timing. The other SPVs funding this law firm accrue the return daily.
Figure 5: Law Firm 3 investor net return by tranche

Figure 6: Law firm 3 investor IRR by tranche

Law Firm 4
To date, 1,167 claims were funded via 8 SPVs. The net investor returns and IRRs for the first 4 SPVs are shown in Figures 7-8 below. The dot shows the investor net gain (Figure 7) and IRR (Figure 8) by tranche and time of the tranche payment. For example, looking at SPV1 funded in December 2023, the first 10%-tranche had a net investor gain of 12.2% (IRR of 12.4%) in December 2024, 12 months after the Offer launch.
In total, 4 10%-tranches have been repaid to date, together comprising 64 resolved claims (out of 650 claims funded by these 4 SPVs). The average net gain and IRR to investors across the settled claims is 8.8% and 9.9%, respectively.
Contractually, claims that settle after a longer period tend to generate a higher return. Figure 7: Law Firm 4 investor net return by tranche

Figure 8: Law firm 4 investor IRR by tranche

Law Firm 5
To date, 360 claims were funded by 2 SPVs. There have been no repayments to investors yet.PORTFOLIO CLAIMS - DIESEL EMISSION CLAIMS
Additionally, AxiaFunder raised £1,860,000 for diesel emission claims against different car manufacturers via 4 SPVs. There have been no repayments to investors yet. If all the diesel claims settled today, investors would have a net gain of 145%.